What Settlement Can I Expect if I Get Rear-Ended by a Semi-Truck​?

Were you rear-ended by a semi-truck and want to know your settlement options? Contact the Peace Law Firm today to discuss your possible settlement: (864)298-0500

Rear-Ended by a Semi-Truck​ settlement

Based on our experience, semi-truck accidents are some of the worst that a motorist can suffer.

Large commercial vehicles cause a lot of damage when they run into smaller passenger vehicles.

When a large truck rear-ends a smaller vehicle, the accident is usually called an “override” because the truck can frequently ride up over the trunk and into the back seat.

In a rear ended by semi truck settlement, you should receive enough compensation to cover your hard economic losses. You should also receive a fair amount to cover your emotional distress and physical pain. Meet with a South Carolina truck accident attorney to begin review of your case.

In South Carolina, settlements for being rear-ended by a commercial truck should cover several key areas of financial recovery. These include all medical expenses, regardless of whether any costs were paid out-of-pocket, compensation for lost wages, and provisions for future loss of earning potential. These types of recoverable losses are classified as economic damages. Additionally, settlements may also include non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. Each case is unique, and the specific circumstances will determine the total settlement amount.

Economic Expenses in a Semi Truck Rear Ended Settlement

The first order of business is to look at how much the accident has cost you financially. In South Carolina, these are called “special” damages, but the label isn’t important.

Your economic losses are things like:

  • Medical bills for surgery, doctor visits, prescription drugs, diagnostic tests, transportation in an ambulance, and rehabilitation
  • Lost wages, if your injuries kept you from going back to work
  • Damage to your vehicle

These economic expenses are usually easy to calculate. Please show your attorney all your medical bills and receipts, as well as a recent pay stub.

Sometimes, when injuries are permanent, a client will need ongoing care or never be able to return to their old job. In these situations, you might qualify for future medical care and lost future earnings.

Calculating this amount requires more information, but a lawyer should be able to arrive at a reasonably accurate number.

Pain and Suffering and Other Intangible Losses

The laws in North and South Carolina allows truck accident victims to receive money for more than economic expenses. You might also qualify for "general damages," which in South Carolina includes things like:

But how much can you receive? Calculating a fair amount is a little harder. No two people will value being pain-free the same.

However, in our experience, clients with serious physical injuries often receive more in general damages, especially if they are permanently disabled. If your injuries can heal in a few months, you might receive less money.

Maximizing Your Compensation

Getting into a truck accident has some advantages, as crazy as that sounds. You can probably sue both the truck driver and the trucking company. Truck companies should have much deeper pockets, so they can cover a larger settlement.

If you were struck by another driver of a passenger sedan, then you would probably be limited to his or her car accident policy limit. But corporations usually carry business insurance policies with much higher policy limits.

Speak to an Attorney Today

Peace Law Firm represents injured victims in North and South Carolina. We have built our reputation providing the kind of detailed, passionate representation that few firms can match.

If you have been rear-ended by a semi-truck and want to discuss a possible settlement, contact us today. We offer a free consultation to those who reach out to us. Avoid delay.

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